Personal budgets

Page Updated: 9th October 2020

A Personal Budget is an amount of money identified by the local authority to deliver parts of the provision set out in your Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. It gives you the flexibility to choose which services and support you may need. The money is not the total of all that is available to support a child or young person. For example, it does not include the cost of the school place or existing targeted support provided by a school, such as additional learning support.

"Our aim is to enable all children to achieve their potential and enjoy happy and fulfilled lives"

Amendments to personal budget and direct payments

Please note that the original regulations about requests for an education personal budget and direct payment arrangements were amended in August 2014 by the government.

Further explanation:

Personal budget resources and leaflets

  • Continuing Care Leaflet
  • What is a Personal Budget? Guidance and information for Parents Carers and Young People in West Sussex;
  • Personal Budgets Policy
  • Direct Payment Process;
  • Direct Payment Agreement Form; and
  • Information on the right for review process in Education, Health and Social Care personal budget
  • West Sussex Personal Budgets have a Facebook page.