Anna Freud Schools Link Programme

In 2017 the West Sussex Joint Commissioning Team were successful in securing access to the Anna Freud Schools link programme. This programme comprised of workshops delivered to two cohorts; North and South of the County. The two consecutive workshops for respective cohorts were positioned six weeks apart. The first session focused on a vision for Mental Health and Wellbeing in West Sussex and the second included a dedicated ‘local strategic planning’ session. This report details the strategic planning that arose from both cohorts.

The Anna Freud Work Vision for Mental Health and Wellbeing in West Sussex

The key themes that arose from the first Schools Link Programme workshop were group into the following categories and these were identified as the vision for Mental Health and Wellbeing in West Sussex.


From the overarching key themes a number of key strategic elements were drawn and these are shown in the diagram below:


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Anna Freud School Link Programme Strategy North (Powerpoint)