Parent Carer Guide to how West Sussex County Council Buys (Commissions) SEND Services for Children and Young People

Page updated: 15th October 2021

The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Contracts and Commissioning team at West Sussex County Council (WSCC) work to secure best value services that support children, young people and their families.

There are a number of contract frameworks or Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPSs for short), through which the local authority makes referrals to schools, education settings, provide short breaks and family and community support services. All providers have been through rigorous checks on health, safety, environmental, quality, insurances and financial as part of the process. This is followed up with regular monitoring throughout the lifecycle of all active contracts to ensure continuous improvement and consistent quality in standard of service.

Through the management of the contracts the local authority is able to work closely with providers, proactively developing and maintaining good working relationships to ensure services are responsive to demand, meet on-going needs and are of good quality.

There are four Frameworks and DPSs within the SEND Contracts and Commissioning function:

  • Independent Alternative Provision
  • Children’s Placement and Other Support Services (including independent non-maintained special schools)
  • Short Breaks
  • Family and Community Support Services

    Independent Alternative Provision DPS

    If you have a child or young person that is excluded, or at risk of permanent exclusion, or too ill to go to school, then the local authority has a range of alternative education settings that compliment what schools can offer. Independent Alternative Provision is designed so that young people can still progress academically (particularly in English, Maths and Science) and improve motivation and self-confidence.

    Alternative provision providers are evaluated in accordance with a service specification where they are required to demonstrate their capabilities. This includes having a suitable setting and staff that have relevant training, experience and qualifications.

    Children’s Placement and Other Support Services (CPOSS) DPS

    The local authority has agreements with a large number of schools that offer placements for children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Our colleagues in the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT) are responsible for making placements. The local authority understands that you and your child/young person want to be involved in the process and be assured that the school you and your child/young person choose is suitable for their needs and that they will be happy there. The schools we work with offer taster days that you and your child or young person can attend, and your preferences are always taken into consideration.

    Short Breaks DPS

    These providers deliver leisure and social activities for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities. Parent carers are part of the evaluation process and the voices of the children and young people is at the heart of any new programmes that are approved.

    All the activities on our short breaks DPS program are run outside of school hours and on the weekends. Go to the Short Breaks section of the WSCC Local Offer where you will find a wide range of activities and information on eligibility.

    Children and young people will have the opportunity to enjoy experiences away from their parents and carers whilst making friends and enjoying new opportunities. There are also short breaks designed for the whole family.

    “The wellbeing of families are improved through being able to have fun together. Even our virtual work encourages networking and we see families and children gaining support from one another.”

    Family and Community Services (FACS) Framework

    The FACS framework provides support for families with children and young people (up to age 16) with complex needs and/or autism, at home and in their community, who are known to Children’s Social Care. They require bespoke care packages and are co-produced with children, young people, parents and social workers. The providers have all undergone due diligence checks and reviews of their operational procedures has been carried out. The social worker is the key contact for arranging support under this Framework.

    What Does it Mean if a Provider isn’t Registered to a WSCC DPS or Framework?

    Before a provider can be authorised to work for WSCC checks and due diligence still has to take place, and contract terms need to be agreed. Therefore, when a provider is requested, that is not registered on a DPS or Framework, it is likely to take longer to secure the services of that provider. On occasion a provider may not meet the standard required and, on that basis, will not be authorised to join a DPS or Framework.

    Wherever possible the local authority encourages providers to join our DPSs or Frameworks. The SEND Contracts and Commissioning team works collaboratively with all providers who offer support to children and young people and will guide new providers through the process of applying to join the DPS.

    The SEND Contracts and Commissioning Team will engage with the West Sussex Parent and Carers Forum to understand how this overview can be further developed.