Discounts and grants for people with SEND and their Carers

Page Updated: 14th April 2022

This page contains information and links to a range of discount and concession cards for people with a Special Educational Need and/or Disability as well as information on cards available for carers.

If there is any discount or information on grants you know of that you don’t see on this page, then please email the details to [email protected] or use the feedback button on the side of this page.

Discount Cards for People with SEND

MAX Card

MAX Card - as a thank you for signing up for the Disability Register West Sussex County Council is providing the individual with a MAX Card. A max card will provide discounts on attractions and activities across England. To claim your card, you need to sign up to the West Sussex Disability Register.

CEA Card

The CEA Card is a national card scheme developed for UK cinemas by the UK Cinema Association (UKCA). The Card enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema. To find out more about the CEA Card and to register go to the CEA Card website.

Discount Cards for Carers

Carers Card West Sussex

The Carers Card West Sussex is available for anyone in West Sussex that is registered with Carers Support West Sussex. The car can help with offers and discounts across the county and has an ever-growing list of business being added. To find out more about the Carers Card and to register go to the Carers Support West Sussex website.

Travel discounts

The Government website outlines travel options and discounts available to people with a disability. This includes information on Disability Rail Cards, Blue Badges (for making use of disabled parking spaces) and other useful information on things to consider when travelling with SEND.

Grants available to people with SEND

Disability Grants is a website that contains information on a range of grants available to disabled people.

Family Fund provides grants to families with disabled children to help cover the costs of essential items.

The West Sussex Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support (SENDIAS) Service have written a blog which features information on a range of grants available to SEND families.