Think Carer

West Sussex County Council and the National Health Service have recently developed and launched a film aimed at professionals to raise awareness about family and friend carers.

Please watch the 'Think Carer' Video here:

Think Carer A Call to Action
Film length 5 minutes
This video is for Any professional likely to come into contact with family and friends carers as part of their role. Both Adult Services and Children and Young Peoples Services. Family and friends carers come from all ages and backgrounds:
  • Young carers, supporting adults and/or siblings
  • Parent carers, supporting a child or children with additional needs.
  • Dual carers, supporting both children and older relatives.
  • Older carers.
  • Summary This video is a call to action. It aims to make the identification and signposting of family and friends carers your business.

    The health and social care system relies hugely on family and friends carers and society as a whole owes them a great deal.

    Caring can sometimes however come at a cost to the carer; that is why we have a range of information and support services available to enable effective caring and support carer health and wellbeing. Busy carers do not always identify themselves as such and we need the workforce to take on the role of identifying carers, listening to carers and signposting them for support if required.

    “It felt strange being called a carer. I am supposed to be looking after him, but when I read things about carers I thought that all fits me”. Young adult carer

    The stars in this video are West Sussex carers. Listen to their messages and after viewing, consider your personal/team/services role in linking family and friends carers to information and support.

    Learning Outcomes If you apply what you have learnt in this video you will be able to;
  • Understand your role in identifying carers and signposting them for support as necessary.
  • Considered whether your service/team has readily available, and up to date, information for family and friends carers
  • Considered whether you listen to and include carers appropriately in your practice with clients/customers.
  • Next Steps
  • A viewer may be inspired to become a ‘carer friend’ (champion) for their team/service. This role might include being a conduit for information on carers; taking responsibility for keeping carer material up to date; keeping carers on the agenda in their team/service.
  • A viewer may want to instigate a team or service discussion on, for example:
      • Policy and practice protocols re: confidentiality and sharing information.
      • The Availability of a carer introduction to the service.
  • Download video guidance