Local Offer Annual Feedback Report 2017: Report

The first completely digital Annual Report 2017.

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Welcome to the Local Offer Annual Report 2017

Some of the key developments to our Local Offer between September 2016 - 2017 include:

  • restructuring the information pages;
  • adding the ability for you to 'Pin' events to your 'Pinboard';
  • adding logos to service summary cards (currently visible on all Short Breaks & Compass Card Partners);
  • commissioning Reaching Families to produce a series of animations with the aim to work together in sharing/promoting them;
  • promoting hoist assisted toilets on our Local Offer;
  • delivering workshops on how to use our Local Offer; and
  • putting on a programme of webinars.
  • Key Development 2017

    This year our key development was looking at our 'information' section on our Local Offer. The previous version was limited as to the volume of information we could put on and the way in which this was displayed.

    This year we continue to develop the new structure and build on what we have to ensure we are able to share lots of helpful information with you.

    In order for us to be able to do this we do need to know what information:

  • you could find useful; and
  • what needs to be improved.

    You can get intouch with emailing Charlotte Smith, your Local Offer Officer: [email protected]

    Thank you

  • Feedback and Comments

    What you said needed developing

    Search Function

    You said that from the homepage you didn't know whether to go into the services or information tab. See more here.

    'Pinning' Events from the Calendar

    You can now 'Pin' events to your Pinboard Find out more.

    More Pictures and Videos

    Team photos, logos, videos and animations have been commissioned. Find out more.

    Local Service versus National Charities

    We have an information page on the Local Offer that lists national charities

    Go to the list of National Charities
    It was felt at the time we wanted to ensure the services provided local support. If you have any comments please email [email protected] so that this can be reviewed.


    You said more training was needed. So we delivered a programme of webinars.

    Raising Awareness of Our Local Offer

    You said many parent carers and professionals were still not aware of our Local Offer. We have worked to try and ensure people know about the Local Offer and how to use it to its full potential for both their own benefit and to support others. We have also encouraged professionals to signpost their peers and parent carers to our Local Offer to find services, events and information. Here are some things that we have done.

    If would be much appreciated if you could support us by adding the leaflet below to your website, sharing printed versions of the leaflet or if you think of any other way then please do get in touch with ideas! We are always looking for new ways to promote our Local Offer!


    Press Release

    Training on using our Local Offer

    You said it was helpful to have someone to go through our Local Offer face to face to share how you could use the tools on the website. We therefore continue to deliver training. You will also find training on the SEND Reforms on the Online Learning Gateway.

    If you would like someone to come to your setting please email [email protected] and watch videos 'How to Use the Local Offer' .

    Gaps in Provision

    You told us some of the gaps in West Sussex. Here is an update of some of the actions we took this year.


    Post-16 Gap

    You said there was little for young people 18-25. Read some things that have happened so far this year.

    New York Limited information on health

    A range of information has been added including factsheets from Sleepwell and Reaching Families. View here . You also said that the transition & information to Continuing Health Care could be improved.

    SEN Information More information for children and young people with SEN Support. The Graduated Approach has been made available in "bitesize" chunks containing a wide variety of strategies & interventions.

    Using information from our Local Offer

    If you provide a service for children and young people with additional needs and their families we would strongly encourage you to get listed on our Local Offer. This enables the local authority to know what provision is currently available and ensures parents carers and professionals can 'self serve' using our Local Offer e.g. find out about you without having to rely on being told by someone else about your service.

    Being listed also ensures the local authority has an accurate picture of all the available support and where there are potential gaps within service provision in West Sussex.

    If you need any support/help getting your service or event(s) listed email Charlotte Smith, your Local Offer Officer: [email protected]



    Feedback on Services

    Local Offer Analytics 2017

    Continuing to ensure we grow, develop and reach wider audiences by monitoring and reviewing our Local Offer.

    Here are some of the key statistics from our Local Offer:

  • What services are getting the most hits? Find out.
  • How many users and page views are we getting to our Local Offer? Find out.

    We have decided not to share the top viewed pages now as the information pages have changed. Sharing this information with you at this point would not be meaningful.


    We would love to know any feedback you may have!

    Use the feedback button.

    0330 222 8555 and ask to speak to the Local Offer Officer

    [email protected]

    Find, like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

    West Sussex County Council recognise that people like to receive information in different ways. We aim to use different methods in communicating so you can benefit from the information on our Local Offer. Therefore please do like, follow our social media channels and sign up to our Local Offer newsletter.

    If you work directly with families:

  • Bring up our Local Offer and talk families through it.
  • Share information, events and services from our Local Offer on your social media.
  • Could you display our leaflet and window stickers?

    Don't have internet? Find out how you can access our Local Offer.


    I would like to thank everyone involved in developing, commenting and giving feedback about our Local Offer. I would like to give a special mention to the West Sussex Parent Carer Forum for their continued work and support in co-producing our Local Offer. Our Local Offer wouldn't be the same without you!

    Previous Reports

    Local Offer Annual Report 2015

    Local Offer Annual Report 2016

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